friendofgeorge1's blog

Join the audience during a live debate on September 8th in Vacaville from 6 pm to 7 pm between me and my opponent in the November election. A Tea Party Republican is running against me who would take America back to the failed policies of George W. Bush that rewarded Wall Street and big insurance companies and wrecked the economy.

George Miller and dozens of seniors gathered in Richmond, CA on Thursday, August 12th to vow to protect Social Security from Republican plans to privatize it and cut its benefits, and they celebrated Social Security's 75th anniversary.  Read about it in the Contra Costa Times.  

Riding BART

SF Chronicle reports on how George Miller doesn't just support public transit, he rides it.

Read more.

George Miller and House Democrats are working hard to create good jobs here in America and to stop American corporations from sending our jobs overseas.  We can Make It In America.  Read more about it.

In yet another sign Republicans in Washington will do anything to see Obama fail even if it means Americans will suffer for it, Republicans in the Senate are blocking a small business jobs bill.

George Miller's House bill would make school lunches healthier. 

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